What are the causes of high-pressure corrosion in petroleum machinery?


What are the causes of high-pressure corrosion in petroleum machinery?

1. Polysulfides in petroleum cause high-pressure corrosion of petroleum machinery

Most of the petroleum in our country contains a lot of polysulfides. During the oil extraction process, petroleum machinery and equipment are easily corroded by the polysulfides in the petroleum when they come into contact with the petroleum, and then produce various kinds of polysulfides on the high-pressure surface of the petroleum machinery. Polysulfides, during the high-pressure operation of petroleum machinery, these polysulfides will bring a lot of instability factors to the petroleum machinery. In addition, when mechanical equipment is exposed to the air for a long time, the carbon dioxide and moisture in the air will react with the corroded parts of the mechanical equipment, eventually leading to more serious corrosion of the entire petroleum machinery and equipment.


2. Sulfide in petroleum causes high-pressure corrosion of petroleum machinery

This corrosion phenomenon is mainly caused by impurities in petroleum products. The main component of these impurities is sulfide. Sulfide can chemically react with moisture in petroleum, resulting in the production of a large amount of hydrogen sulfide in petroleum. Hydrogen sulfide is reducing and acidic, causing severe corrosion to petroleum machinery and equipment. In addition, there are a large number of chemical impurities in petroleum, which also cause corrosion to petroleum machinery and equipment to a large extent.

3. Chloride in petroleum causes high-pressure corrosion of petroleum machinery

According to surveys, a lot of petroleum now contains a large amount of salt water. If the salt water undergoes chemical hydrolysis, it will be converted into hydrochloric acid. For petroleum machinery, hydrochloric acid is one of the key factors leading to corrosion of petroleum machinery and equipment. For petroleum machinery and equipment, Cause serious corrosion conditions, thereby reducing the quality and safety of petroleum machinery and equipment.

Post time: Jan-23-2024